Genre: Pop
Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: Song Street, Vol. 11
Artist: Olympic, Orchestr Československé Televize / Orchestr Ceskoslovenske Televize, Karel Vlach Se Svým Orchestrem / Karel Vlach Se Svym Orchestrem, Taneční Orchestr Čs. Rozhlasu / Tanecni Orchestr Cs. Rozhlasu, Václav Zahradník Se Svým Orchestrem / Vaclav Zahradnik Se Svym Orchestrem, Václav Týfa / Vaclav Tyfa, Václav Hybš Se Svým Orchestrem / Vaclav Hybs Se Svym Orchestrem
Genre: Pop