Genre: Pop
Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: 月彎彎 (The Crescent Moon) / yue wan wan (The Crescent Moon)
Artist: Jeannie Hsieh
Genre: World Music, Pop
Title: 默契 (Have Mutual Affinity) / mo qi (Have Mutual Affinity)
Artist: Jeannie Hsieh
Genre: World Music, Pop
Title: 練舞功 (Dancing Queen) / lian wu gong (Dancing Queen)
Artist: Jeannie Hsieh
Genre: World Music, Pop
Title: Yoyo姊妹 (Yoyo Sisters) / Yoyo zi mei (Yoyo Sisters)
Artist: Jeannie Hsieh
Genre: World Music, Pop
Title: 永遠愛你 (Love You Forever) / yong yuan ai ni (Love You Forever)
Artist: Jeannie Hsieh
Genre: Pop
Title: 中國好聲音: 第六期 / zhong guo hao sheng yin: di liu qi
Genre: Pop