Genre: Pop
Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: Let Me Know (feat. L.B. Kool) - Single
Artist: Kacie Sargent, Redgee, A'SNJ, Jay College
Genre: Pop
Title: Sydney Loves Beauty & the Beast, Her Family and Lagrange, Indiana - Single
Artist: A. Forbes
Genre: Pop
Title: Giselle Loves Mermaids, CartWheel Games and Piscataway, New Jersey - Single
Artist: A. Brown
Genre: Pop
Title: Jaydan Loves His Family, His Stuffed Dog Animal and Oakland, California - Single
Artist: J. Beltzer, A. DeMoya
Genre: Pop
Title: Kyleigh Loves Ice Cream, Frozen and Arlington Heights Illinois - Single
Artist: Leon A
Genre: Pop