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Genre: Pop


Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.

Title: Inside

Artist: Michael Soul

Genre: Pop

Title: Rodrigo Cruz

Artist: Rodrigo Cruz

Genre: Pop

Title: The Purple

Artist: The Great Perhaps

Genre: Pop

Title: Heart Wide Open

Artist: Chelsea Takami

Genre: Pop

Title: Jennifer Dao

Artist: Jennifer Dao

Genre: Pop

Title: Epiløgue

Artist: Ejay Røad / Ejay Road

Genre: Pop

Title: Reason

Artist: Tara Rautenbach

Genre: Pop

Title: Saving Grace

Artist: Grace Carter

Genre: Pop

Title: Leave The Light On

Artist: Simon Roe

Genre: Pop

Title: Undone

Artist: Geena Kaye

Genre: Pop