Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: 发自己的光
Artist: 懒惰猫乐团 / lan duo mao le tuan
Genre: Pop
Title: 听悲伤的情歌 (温柔版)
Artist: 什么琪 / shen me qi
Title: 火红的萨日朗 (童声版)
Artist: 宋小睿 / song xiao rui
Title: 等天晴
Artist: 昤玥loyi / ling yueloyi
Title: 装饰
Artist: 许艺娜 / xu yi na
Title: 点一杯快乐 (DJ版)
Artist: 暖姐很暖 / nuan jie hen nuan
Title: 为生活加料
Artist: 左文正 / zuo wen zheng
Title: 风景如画
Artist: 杜元气 / du yuan qi
Title: 烟草味道
Artist: 邓阿九 / deng a jiu
Title: 毫无保留
Artist: 玖叔 / jiu shu
Title: 少年你也怀疑自己不是主角了吗
Artist: 阿禹ayy / a yuayy
Title: 时光于你
Artist: 陶阳 / tao yang