Genre: Pop
Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: Ryan Loves Mickey Mouse, Spongebob and Woodhaven, Michigan - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: Heavenlee Loves Tea Parties, Outdoors and Sahuarita, Arizona - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: Jacob Loves Music, Dancing and Leomister, Massachusetts - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: Ryder Loves Basketball, Boating and Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: Sophie Loves Swimming, Baking and Dunholme, Lincoln United Kingdom - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: Mars Loves Legos, Baseball and Bancroft, Ontario, Canada - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: LaMario Loves Mickey Mouse, Spongebob and Macon, Georgia - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: Jaxson Loves Tractors, Trucks and Lakewood Ranch, Florida - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop
Title: Graysen Loves Boppy Pillow, Mobile Spin and Fresh Meadows, New York - Single
Artist: C. Allocco
Genre: Pop