Genre: Pop
Pop music is a genre of popular music and it was originated in 1950s. It is a very flexible genre because the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing.
Title: Söylenecek Birşeyler Var / Soylenecek Birsheyler Var
Artist: Şelale Şehnaz Sam / Selale Sehnaz Sam
Genre: Pop
Title: Alem Fm - Alemin Seçtikleri
Genre: Pop
Title: Benden İçerdeki Sana Kıyamam / Benden Icherdeki Sana Kiyamam
Artist: Özyar Özüm / Ozyar Ozum
Genre: Pop
Title: 90 Lar Türkçe Pop 1 / 90 Lar Turkche Pop 1
Artist: Çeşitli Sanatçılar / Cesitli Sanatcilar
Genre: Pop