Genre: Progressive
Progressive music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: The New Earth Group
Artist: The New Earth Group
Genre: Psychedelic, Progressive, Instrumental
Title: Garden Mask - Horoscope Telescope
Genre: Rock, Alternative, Psychedelic, Progressive, Indie
Title: Binomial Nomenclature
Artist: Annelids
Genre: Rock, World Music, Progressive, Acoustic, Indie
Title: Gondwana Alpha Arkestra
Artist: Gondwana Alpha Arkestra
Genre: Dub, Alternative, Progressive, Experimental
Title: Under Sense'S To The Under
Artist: Isso Petrovich & Tomohiro Ochiai
Genre: Ambient, Progressive, Experimental, Instrumental
Title: Le Cri Du Lièvre / Le Cri Du Lievre
Artist: Soleil Vert
Genre: Rock, World Music, Alternative, Progressive
Title: Hermelin LP
Artist: Hermelin
Genre: Post Rock, Psychedelic, Progressive, Experimental, Instrumental