Genre: Punk Rock
Punk Rock genre is a part of Punk music and it has inspired many musicians who pursued the particular variation and became famous.
Title: La Guerra Es La Paz La Libertad Es La Esclavitud La Igmorancia E
Artist: Gen
Genre: Punk Rock
Title: Lade Mich Bitte Runter (Ich Bin Ein Song)
Artist: Häns Dämpf / Hans Dampf
Title: Punkverräter
Artist: Das Frivole Burgfräulein / Das Frivole Burgfraulein
Genre: Rock, Punk, Punk Rock, Alternative
Title: Dans Mon Corps
Artist: Les Trois Accords
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Indie Rock, Punk, Punk Rock, Heavy Metal, World Music, Pop, Alternative
Title: True Schpaudls From Mars
Artist: Bürger Würger / Burger Wurger
Genre: Punk, Punk Rock, Experimental, Hardcore