Genre: Punk Rock
Punk Rock genre is a part of Punk music and it has inspired many musicians who pursued the particular variation and became famous.
Title: Dead Mystics
Artist: ! Mindparade
Genre: Rock, Indie Pop, Punk Rock, Alternative, Psychedelic
Title: Written In Waters
Artist: Ved Buens Ende
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Rock, Black Metal, Punk Rock, Metal, Death Metal, Pop
Title: The Great Deep - EP
Genre: Rock, Indie Rock, Punk Rock, Pop, Alternative, K-Pop
Title: Köld / Kold
Artist: Sólstafir / Solstafir
Genre: Rock, Post Rock, Punk Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal, Post Metal, Pop, Pop Rock
Title: Vikingligr Veldi
Artist: Enslaved
Genre: Rock, Black Metal, Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Viking Metal, Pop, Pop Rock
Title: Masterpiece Of Bitterness
Artist: Sólstafir / Solstafir
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal, Viking Metal