Genre: Punk Music
Punk is a genre of Rock music that has been developed in late 1960s. The punk culture can be described by distinctive styles of clothing, spikes, leather jackets and revolutionary hairstyles.
- Celtic Punk
- Christian Punk
- Dance Punk
- Folk Punk
- Garage Punk
- Glam Punk
- Gypsy Punk
- Hardcore Punk
- Horror Punk
- Nazi Punk
- Pop Punk
- Post Punk
- Punk
- Punk Rock
- Ska Punk
Title: Invasions of the Mind
Artist: Energy
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Dedicated to Babies Who Came Feet First
Artist: Cold World
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Debrouya pa péché / Debrouya pa peche
Artist: Miki Debrouya
Genre: Hip Hop/R&B, Rap, Soul, Punk Rock
Title: La mise à terre ! / La mise a terre !
Artist: Le Volume Était Au Maximum / Le Volume Etait Au Maximum
Genre: Punk, Pop, Alternative