Genre: Punk
Punk is a genre of Rock music that has been developed in late 1960s. The punk culture can be described by distinctive styles of clothing, spikes, leather jackets and revolutionary hairstyles.
Title: John Peel Session (1 March 1977)
Artist: The Stranglers
Genre: Rock, New Wave, Punk, Pop, Alternative
Title: Sweet Smell of Success - The Best of the Epic Years
Artist: The Stranglers
Genre: Rock, Rock & Roll, Punk, Pop, Alternative
Title: The Stranglers: Greatest Hits 1977-1990
Artist: The Stranglers
Genre: Rock, New Wave, Punk, Pop, Alternative
Title: Live At the Hope and Anchor (1977)
Artist: The Stranglers
Genre: Rock, Rock & Roll, Punk, Pop, Alternative
Title: Orange County's Punk vs. Ska: Round One
Genre: Punk, Alternative
Title: For the Damned, the Dumb & the Delirious
Artist: Big D And The Kids Table
Genre: Punk, Reggae, Ska, Alternative
Title: Beijing to Boston (Beichushunoukaidan)
Artist: Big D', The Kids Table, Brain Failure
Genre: Rock, Punk, Reggae, Ska, Alternative
Title: Beijing to Boston
Artist: Big D', The Kids Table, Brain Failure
Genre: Rock, Punk, Reggae, Ska, Alternative