Rock music is a genre that doesn't need any introductions. It became popular in 50s and 60s in UK and US. The live performance and the ideology of authenticity here are very important.
Title: You'd Feel the Same - Single
Artist: Runaround Kids
Genre: Rock, Alternative
Title: Curb Your Dogma
Artist: Spongehead
Genre: Rock, Metal, Alternative
Title: Voodoo Rock 'N' Roll
Artist: Egos
Genre: Rock
Title: Never Trust a Man EP
Artist: Owen Danoff
Genre: Rock, Country, Pop
Title: Mad Fred & The Maniacs
Artist: Maniacs
Title: Clutch the Pearls
Artist: The Juliettes
Genre: Rock, Pop
Title: Our Little Game - Single
Artist: Nukes
Title: Atomsplit
Title: Battery Powers
Title: Random Antagonist Complex
Artist: The Seventh Gate
Title: Noll nio noll
Artist: Slutstation Tjernobyl
Title: Why Things Burn
Genre: Rock, Punk, Alternative