Genre: Russian Chanson
Russian Chanson music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Best Songs of Radio Kredo Performers. Album 1
Artist: Various Artists
Genre: World Music, Pop, Russian Chanson
Title: Melody of Soul. Best Songs of Radio Kredo Performers. Album 2
Artist: Various Artists
Genre: World Music, Pop, Russian Chanson
Title: Музыка сердца / Muzyka serdca
Artist: Анатолий Мякушкин / Anatolij Makuskin
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Памяти Петлюры, Ч. 2 / Pamati Petlury, C. 2
Artist: Maloletka
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Близкая ходка (Четвёртый альбом) / Blizkaa hodka (Cetvertyj albom)
Artist: Volk
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Проклятущая любовь / Proklatusaa lubov
Artist: Irina Sinitsa
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson