Genre: Russian Chanson
Russian Chanson music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Звёздная серия шансона / Zvezdnaa seria sansona
Artist: Belomorkanal
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Живой концерт (Live) / Zivoj koncert (Live)
Artist: Rozhdestvo
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: А ты меня ждала - Single / A ty mena zdala - Single
Artist: Semen Kanada
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: 55 лет. Юбилейный альбом / 55 let. Ubilejnyj albom
Artist: Mikhail Krug
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Мужчина с биографией / Muzcina s biografiej
Artist: Sergey Russkih-Sever
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson