Genre: Russian Chanson
Russian Chanson music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Стая Сизарей / Staya Sizarei
Artist: Ося Солнцевский / Osa Solncevskij
Genre: Russian Chanson
Title: Я Солнцевский / Ya Solncevskii
Artist: Ося Солнцевский / Osa Solncevskij
Genre: Russian Chanson
Title: Я Подпевал Битлам / Ya Podpeval Bitlam
Artist: Михаил Загот / Mihail Zagot
Genre: Russian Chanson
Title: Не Выходи Замуж / Ne Vyhodi Zamuzh
Artist: Юра Магомаев / Ura Magomaev
Genre: Russian Chanson
Title: Не Оставляй Меня / Ne Ostavlyai Menya
Artist: Юра Магомаев / Ura Magomaev
Genre: Russian Chanson