Genre: Russian Chanson
Russian Chanson music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Достучаться до небес / Dostucatsa do nebes
Artist: Aleksandr Vestov
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Памяти Вора. Блатные песни / Pamati Vora. Blatnye pesni
Artist: Aleksandr Vestov
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Миллион Облаков / Million Oblakov
Artist: Aleksandr Vestov
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson
Title: Карабас Барабас / Karabas Barabas
Artist: Aleksandr Vestov
Genre: World Music, Russian Chanson