Genre: Songwriter/Lyricist
Songwriter/Lyricist music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Telefonom cu te zvati (Zanela si sve momke u kraju) - Single
Artist: Dragisa Simic
Genre: World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Prsten Sam Ti Draga Dao - Single
Artist: Dragan Rajovic
Genre: World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Spavaj Draga Topdzija Te Cuva - Single
Artist: Dragisa Golubovic Golub
Genre: World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Ne Ostavljaj Me - Single
Artist: Dragoslav Mihajlovic Kanarinac
Genre: World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Nije, Nije Proslo Moje Vreme
Artist: Dragoslav Mihajlovic Kanarinac
Genre: World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Zelene Oci - EP
Artist: Dragoslav Mihajlovic Kanarinac
Genre: World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist