Genre: Songwriter/Lyricist
Songwriter/Lyricist music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: Blod, svett och dårar - Single / Blod, svett och darar - Single
Artist: Valter
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Norrköping 1994 - Single / Norrkoping 1994 - Single
Artist: Valter
Genre: Alternative, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Bra är bäst - Single / Bra ar bast - Single
Artist: Valter
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Tåg utan spår - Single / Tag utan spar - Single
Artist: Valter
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Steg i mörkret - Single / Steg i morkret - Single
Artist: Valter
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Kupi Kupi
Artist: Vanechka Katastrofa
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Боткинская больница / Botkinskaa bolnica
Artist: Vanechka Katastrofa
Genre: World Music, Alternative, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Иван нагой в мире животных / Ivan nagoj v mire zivotnyh
Artist: Vanechka Katastrofa
Genre: Rock, Punk Rock, World Music, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Livre - Single
Artist: Verbo Vitória / Verbo Vitoria
Genre: Rock, Folk Rock, Punk Rock, Songwriter/Lyricist