Soul is a genre of R&B music. It became famous from within the African American community and nowadays you can hear it almost everywhere. This genre has inspired and motivated many people.
Title: Delete Yourself Away
Artist: Nkelani
Genre: Soul
Title: Calling Last
Artist: A-Light
Title: Without It
Artist: Chuey
Title: Girl You Are My World
Artist: Mmm Production
Title: Jumpin To Life
Artist: Gordon Nelson Jr
Title: Lost
Artist: Benjamin Luhis
Title: Yours Truly... Snob
Artist: Ag Silver
Title: Last Dance
Artist: Tom T
Title: Sandman
Artist: Aiden Valley
Title: Diz Que Me Ama (Só Quer) / Diz Que Me Ama (So Quer)
Artist: Luccas Wells
Title: Lofi 004 & 005
Artist: SweetermanSosa
Title: Solo (Single)
Artist: Robi Bojorkes