Genre: Symphonic Rock
Symphonic Rock is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Bingo
Artist: Ekseption, Ekseption (New Formula)
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock
Title: Dance Macabre (Remastered From Vinyl 2019)
Artist: Ekseption
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Progressive Metal
Title: Works, Volume I
Artist: Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Classical
Title: Let Them Say
Artist: Notturno Concertante
Genre: Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Progressive Metal, Instrumental, Instrumental
Title: Rise And Fall
Artist: The Fall, John Holden
Title: Раgаnini Ехреriеnсе (Jараnеsе Еditiоn)
Artist: LatteMiele 2.0
Title: 100 Rock Classics (CD2)
Genre: Blues, Rock, Hard Rock, Symphonic Rock, Heavy Metal, Acoustic, Indie