Genre: Thrash Metal
Thrash Metal genre is a part of Metal music and is also very popular. Each subgenre of Metal has a large number of fans. Many bands have sold millions of records and became legends in eyes of their fans.
Title: Only Inhuman - Tour Edition
Artist: Sonic Syndicate
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Thrash Metal
Title: Oppressing the Masses/Torture Tactics
Artist: Vio-Lence
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Thrash Metal, Pop
Title: Crossover - Millennium Edition
Artist: D. R. I.
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal
Title: Sleepy Buildings (A Semi-Acoustic Evening) [Live]
Artist: The Gathering
Genre: Rock, Black Metal, Hard Rock, Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal