Genre: Trance Music
Trance is a genre of electronic dance music. The word trance refer to state of hypnotism and heightened consciousness. Trance is an instrumental music but very often it also contains vocals.
- Acid Trance
- Classic Trance
- Dream Trance
- Euro Trance
- Goa Trance
- Hard Trance
- Progressive Trance
- Psychedelic Trance
- Tech Trance
- Trance
- Trance Metal
- Uplifting Trance
- Vocal Trance
Title: Illuminate / Oceans of Infinity - Single
Artist: Gilbert Carrizales
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Roman Messer Top 15 June / July / August 2014
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Appointed Recordings London Underground Trance 001
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Me, Myself & Never Better - Single
Artist: Gilbert Carrizales
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: FG Warriors: Steve Haines
Genre: House, Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Nobody But Her (Sunset Heat vs. Joe Cormack) - Single
Artist: Joe Cormack, Sunset Heat
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: #Trancefamily
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Caribbean (O.B.M Notion vs. Mostfa & Mostfa) - Single
Artist: OBM Notion, Mostfa
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop