Genre: Trance
Trance is a genre of electronic dance music. The word trance refer to state of hypnotism and heightened consciousness. Trance is an instrumental music but very often it also contains vocals.
Title: Purple Audio - Single
Artist: Alex M. O. R. P. H.
Genre: Electronica, Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Vonyc Sessions Selection 2012-07
Artist: Paul Van Dyk
Genre: Electronica, Trance, Rock, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Indust - Single (feat. Dalila)
Artist: Dodo Basnak, Michael Lander
Genre: Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: River In the Sky (feat. Steve Long) - Single
Artist: Derek Ryan
Genre: Electronica, Trance, Dancefloor, Dance Pop