Genre: Uplifting House
Uplifting House genre is a part of House music which remains very popular at nightclubs and many mainstream and underground scenes.
Title: Awakening Traveller Reality
Genre: Uplifting House, Trance, Progressive
Title: Best Trance - Front Hits (CD1)
Genre: Uplifting House, Progressive
Title: Best Trance - Front Hits (CD2)
Genre: Uplifting House, Progressive
Title: Perception
Artist: The Doors, ReOrder, Berndt Luef, Jazztett Forum Graz
Genre: Uplifting House, Trance
Title: Horizon Mirrors Atlas
Genre: Uplifting House, Trance
Title: Message Mirage Requiem (CD1)
Genre: Uplifting House
Title: Message Mirage Requiem (CD2)
Genre: Uplifting House
Title: Dreams State Leaving (CD1)
Genre: Uplifting House, Trance
Title: Dreams State Leaving (CD2)
Genre: Uplifting House, Trance