Genre: Avant Garde Jazz
Avant Garde Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Tomalin Has Etched In
Artist: Febueder
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Rock, Folk Rock, Indie Rock, Avant Garde Metal
Title: Natural Selection
Artist: Dan Weiss
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Rock, Jazz Rock, Avant Garde Metal, Progressive Metal
Title: Tamakeri
Artist: The Udder
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Progressive Rock, Avant Garde Metal, Progressive Metal, Fusion
Title: Odyx
Artist: Wyxz
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Rock, Progressive Rock, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental
Title: Murmuration
Artist: Brian Baumbusch
Genre: Electronica, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Classical
Title: World-Line (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Elision Ensemble
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Classical
Title: The Fundamental
Artist: Celebrity Sex Scandal
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Rock, Punk, Punk Rock, Metal, Avant Garde Metal, Progressive Metal, Alternative
Title: Tu Tuvojies Sev (Single)
Artist: Evija Vēbere / Evija Vebere
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Alternative
Title: Arkaoda (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Damo Suzuki, Spiritczualic Enhancement Center
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Free Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Psychedelic
Title: FeuerZungenGlockenSaiten
Artist: Rainer Bürck / Rainer Burck
Genre: Electro Industrial, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Acoustic, Experimental, Classical
Title: Night Raver (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Springtime
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Free Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental