Genre: Avant Garde Jazz
Avant Garde Jazz genre is a part of Jazz music which in general can be describes as mix of European classical music and West African folk music.
Title: Knarr
Artist: Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Free Improvisation, Avant Garde Metal
Title: We Are Electric
Artist: Rodrigo Amado, Northern Liberties
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal
Title: In Memory Of Mark Whitecage
Artist: The Nu Band
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal
Title: Crossed And Recrossed
Artist: Peter Knight, The Australian Art Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Experimental, Classical
Title: Chris Dench: Ik (S) Land [S]
Artist: Deborah Kayser, Elision Ensemble
Genre: Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Classical
Title: Fragmentos Apócrifos / Fragmentos Apocrifos
Artist: Cayote Dúo / Cayote Duo
Genre: Jazz, Avant Garde Jazz, Avant Garde Metal, Fusion