Genre: Dark Electro
Title: Los Insurgentes Tienen Razón Part. I
Genre: Techno, Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Los Insurgentes Tienen Razón, Part. 2
Genre: Techno, Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: RDC & Terror Night: Halloween Edition 2021
Genre: Industrial, Dark Electro, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: Extraterrestrial Bios Systemshell (CD1 - Input Ritual)
Artist: Alien Nation
Genre: Industrial, Dark Electro, Punk, EBM
Title: Extraterrestrial Bios Systemshell (CD2 - Output Pact)
Artist: Alien Nation
Genre: Industrial, Dark Electro, Punk, EBM
Title: Sci Fi Citizen (Complex Version)
Artist: Vyrtual Zociety
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro, Pop, EBM
Title: Let The Darkness Fall Over You
Artist: Smouldering Embers Of Aggression
Genre: Industrial, Electro Industrial, Dark Electro