Genre: Dark Electro
Title: Electronic Saviors Vol. 5: Remembrance
Genre: Industrial, Dark Electro, Darkwave, EBM
Title: Face The Beat - Session 6 (CD1)
Genre: Dark Electro, Pop, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: Face The Beat - Session 6 (CD2)
Genre: Dark Electro, Pop, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: Face The Beat - Session 6 (CD3)
Genre: Dark Electro, Pop, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: Enfant De La Démence
Artist: Mind & Matter
Genre: Electronica, Techno, Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Lifelines Vol. 2
Artist: In Strict Confidence
Genre: Electronica, Industrial, Dark Electro, Darkwave, EBM
Title: Kampf Dem Verderb (CD1)
Artist: Acylum
Genre: Industrial, Electro Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM
Title: Kampf Dem Verderb (CD2)
Artist: Acylum
Genre: Industrial, Electro Industrial, Dark Electro, EBM