Title: Don T Speak (Maxi-Single)
Artist: The Sickest Squad, Vale Blake
Genre: Techno, Electro
Title: Overture Hardcore
Artist: Mindtrax
Title: Open Your Eyes
Artist: Bit Reactors
Title: My Blood Meta Info: My Blood
Artist: Andy The Core, Ones1mk
Title: Hardcore Riot
Artist: Anunnaki
Title: Music Panic Baseball Bat
Artist: Underground Vandalz
Title: Nasty Kicks
Artist: Stormtrooper
Title: Close Your Eyes (And Feel)
Artist: Supreems
Genre: Electronica, House, Electro
Title: The Observer
Artist: Lake Haze
Genre: Electronica, House, Techno, Electro, Dancefloor, Dance Pop
Title: Folkloric Human
Artist: Lewski
Genre: Electronica, Electro
Title: Partybreaks And Remixes - All In One (August 2018.001) (CD1)
Genre: House, Electro House, Electro, Hip Hop/R&B, Rock, Punk Rock, Club/Dance, Pop, EBM
Title: Partybreaks And Remixes - All In One (August 2018.001) (CD3)