Title: Blast
Artist: Igneon System
Genre: Techno, Electro
Title: Land Of Gabber (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Rob Gee, Andy The Core
Title: # SickSociety
Artist: Anunnaki
Title: Forever More
Artist: Meccano Twins
Title: Perseverance
Artist: OGM909
Title: Pieces Of Brain
Artist: Sei2ure, Andy The Core
Title: Between (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Bit Reactors
Title: Chronicle (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Brutale
Title: Neuro Alarm
Artist: Andy The Core
Title: Search & Destroy
Artist: Al Twisted, Necrotic
Title: Distortion (Maxi-Single)
Artist: Underground Vandalz
Title: Bloodbath
Artist: Detest