Genre: Electro
Title: Multi Genre Massive Contains (CD1)
Genre: House, Electro, Club/Dance, Progressive
Title: The Sounds Of The Night
Genre: House, Electro, Club/Dance
Title: Back Alley Cuts
Artist: General Electrics
Genre: Downtempo, Electronica, Electro, Synth Pop, Alternative, Funk, IDM
Title: Steve Angello Presents Sizeism (CD1)
Genre: Electronica, Deep House, Techno, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Steve Angello Presents Sizeism (CD2)
Genre: Electronica, Deep House, Techno, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Red Alert
Artist: Cold Rush
Genre: Trance, Industrial, Industrial Metal, Electro, Gothic Rock, Gothic Metal, EBM
Title: Blue Flame / Its Time
Artist: DJ Ange
Genre: Trance, Progressive Trance, Industrial, Electro, World Music, Progressive, EBM