Genre: Electro
Title: Black Mask (Inclu T-Tone & Astral Remix)
Artist: Argy
Genre: Electronica, Techno, Tech House, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Dub Luv
Artist: Emanuele Inglese
Genre: Electronica, House, Electro House, Techno, Industrial, Electro, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, EBM
Title: Ein Stueckchen Urstoff
Artist: Dominik Eulberg
Genre: Electronica, Techno, Minimal Techno, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Florian Kupfer
Artist: Florian Kupfer
Genre: Electronica, House, Deep House, Techno, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: The Trigger & The Tool
Artist: Marc Romboy
Genre: Electronica, Techno, Minimal Techno, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Schwarzlicht & Filmriss
Artist: Oliver Huntemann
Genre: Electronica, Techno, Minimal Techno, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Preacher Man (2012 Remixes)
Artist: Green Velvet
Genre: Electronica, House, Techno, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Circles
Artist: Sta
Genre: Electronica, Japanoise, Trance, Industrial, Electro, World Music, Instrumental, EBM, Instrumental
Title: Insomnia (Single)
Artist: Sta
Genre: Electronica, Japanoise, Trance, Industrial, Electro, World Music, Instrumental, EBM, Instrumental
Title: Huracan (Ben Gold Remix)
Artist: Gareth Emery
Genre: Progressive House, Trance, Progressive Trance, Industrial, Electro, EBM
Title: Another You, Another Me
Artist: Gareth Emery, Lange
Genre: Electro House, Progressive House, Trance, Progressive Trance, Industrial, Electro, EBM