Genre: Electro
Title: Drastic Measures, Drastic Movement (CD1)
Artist: Minny Pops
Genre: Electro, New Wave, Post Punk, Experimental
Title: Drastic Measures, Drastic Movement (CD2)
Artist: Minny Pops
Genre: Electro, New Wave, Post Punk, Experimental
Title: Heatwave Redemption Lights (CD1)
Genre: House, Electro, Club/Dance, Funk
Title: Heatwave Redemption Lights (CD2)
Genre: House, Electro, Club/Dance, Funk
Title: Heatwave Redemption Lights (CD3)
Genre: House, Electro, Club/Dance, Funk
Title: Heatwave Redemption Lights (CD4)
Genre: House, Electro, Club/Dance, Funk
Title: Plaid Remixes (Parts In The Post) (CD1)
Genre: Breakbeat , Downtempo, Electronica, Industrial, Electro, EBM, IDM
Title: Plaid Remixes (Parts In The Post) (CD2)
Genre: Breakbeat , Downtempo, Electronica, Industrial, Electro, EBM, IDM
Title: Nature One 2015 - Stay As You Are (CD2)
Genre: House, Industrial, Electro, Progressive, EBM
Title: Nature One 2015 - Stay As You Are (CD3)
Genre: House, Industrial, Electro, Progressive, EBM
Title: Declosed Festival Anthems 2015
Genre: Electro, Progressive