Genre: Electro
Title: House Kick Drums Progressive (CD1)
Genre: House, Electro, Club/Dance, Funk, Progressive
Title: Fetenhits - The Rare Maxi Classics (CD1)
Artist: Fetenhits
Genre: Electro, Disco, Italo Disco, Pop, Synth Pop
Title: Fetenhits - The Rare Maxi Classics (CD2)
Genre: Industrial, Electro, Disco, Italo Disco, Pop, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: Trance Anthems Top 100 2015 (CD1)
Genre: Trance, Progressive Trance, Uplifting Trance, Vocal Trance, Electro
Title: Trance Anthems Top 100 2015 (CD2)
Genre: Trance, Progressive Trance, Uplifting Trance, Vocal Trance, Electro
Title: Fetenhits - The Rare Maxi Classics (CD1)
Genre: Industrial, Electro, Disco, Italo Disco, Pop, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: The Sound Of Wireless (CD2)
Genre: House, Industrial, Electro, Soul, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, Synth Pop, EBM
Title: The Sound Of Wireless (CD1)
Genre: House, Industrial, Electro, Soul, Dancefloor, Dance Pop, Synth Pop, EBM