Title: The Magic Friend (PWL) (Singles Collection)
Artist: Unlimited
Genre: Electro, Electropop
Title: The Magic Friend (ZYX) (Singles Collection)
Genre: Electronica, Electropop
Title: Twilight Zone CD5 (Critique)
Title: Workaholic CD5 (ZYX)
Genre: Electronica, Electropop, Pop
Title: The Real Thing (Byte)
Genre: Eurodance, House, Electropop
Title: Do What S Good For Me CD1 (PWL)
Title: Do What S Good For Me (ZYX)
Title: Here I Go # Nothing Like The Rain (Critique)
Title: Here I Go (Byte)
Title: Nothing Like The Rain 4 - Tr (Byte)
Title: Jump For Joy (Byte)
Title: Wanna Get Up (Big Life Records)