Genre: Electropop
Title: One Of The Boys (Platinum Australian Tour Edition) CD1
Artist: Katy Perry
Genre: Electropop, Electro Rock, Rock, Pop, Pop Rock, Dance Pop
Title: Starstrukk (CD Single)
Artist: Katy Perry
Genre: Electro, Electropop, Hip Hop/R&B, Rock, Alternative Rock, Pop, Pop Rock, Dance Pop, Pop Rap
Title: Straight Through My Heart - Promo Remixes
Artist: Backstreet Boys
Genre: Electropop, Rock, Dancefloor, Pop, Dance Pop
Title: Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) (Japan The Singles Box Set)
Artist: Lady Gaga
Genre: Electronica, Electropop, Rock, Dancefloor, Pop, Pop Rock, Dance Pop, Synth Pop
Title: Telephone (Japan The Singles Box Set)
Artist: Lady Gaga
Genre: Electronica, Electropop, Rock, Dancefloor, Pop, Pop Rock, Dance Pop, Synth Pop
Title: Telephone (The Remixes) (CDM USA)
Artist: Lady Gaga, Beyoncé / Beyonce
Genre: Electropop, Rock, DJ/Remixes, Pop, Pop Rock, Dance Pop