Title: The Domestic EP
Artist: Farewell To Hearth And Home
Genre: Electropop
Title: Due Canzoni Che Non Piaceranno A Nessuno
Artist: Hentzel
Genre: Electropop, Thrash Metal, Latin
Title: Roll The Troll
Artist: Hot Stroke
Genre: Electronica, Electropop
Title: Dominique
Artist: Marco Ragusa
Genre: Ambient, Electronica, Electropop, Instrumental
Title: A Raving Night
Artist: Neurox!
Genre: Electropop, New Wave
Title: Oldboyz79
Artist: Oldboyz79
Genre: Electropop, Indie Rock
Title: Fading Lights (Single)
Artist: P. P. Sound
Genre: Electropop, Rock, Pop
Title: Babel
Artist: Danilo Mazzeo
Title: Other People
Artist: Primary 1
Title: Extreme
Artist: Lateral Diffusion
Genre: Electronica, Electropop, Synth Pop
Title: * Ideal EP
Artist: * Ideal
Genre: Electronica, Electropop, Pop
Title: Cignus
Artist: Artenoise