Genre: Punk
Punk is a genre of Rock music that has been developed in late 1960s. The punk culture can be described by distinctive styles of clothing, spikes, leather jackets and revolutionary hairstyles.
Title: Octahedron
Artist: The Mars Volta
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative, Psychedelic
Title: Let the Dominoes Fall (Extended Version)
Artist: Rancid
Genre: Punk, Reggae, Ska, Alternative
Title: Baby Jesus, Sliced Up In the Manger
Artist: Leftöver Crack / Leftover Crack
Genre: Punk, Alternative
Title: L7
Artist: L7
Genre: Rock, Grunge, Hard Rock, Indie Rock, Punk, Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Searching for a Former Clarity
Artist: Against Me!
Genre: Rock, Punk, Alternative, Songwriter/Lyricist
Title: Squatta's Paradise
Artist: Choking Victim
Genre: Rock, Indie Rock, Punk, Reggae, Ska, Alternative