Genre: Punk
Punk is a genre of Rock music that has been developed in late 1960s. The punk culture can be described by distinctive styles of clothing, spikes, leather jackets and revolutionary hairstyles.
Title: Ø (Disambiguation) [Deluxe Edition] / O (Disambiguation) [Deluxe Edition]
Artist: Underoath
Genre: Gospel, Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Christian Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Ø (Disambiguation) / O (Disambiguation)
Artist: Underoath
Genre: Gospel, Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Christian Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Lost In the Sound of Separation
Artist: Underoath
Genre: Gospel, Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Christian Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Anthology (1999-2013)
Artist: Underoath
Genre: Gospel, Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Christian Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Awake?
Artist: Zao
Genre: Gospel, Rock, Christian Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Title: Liberate te ex Inferis
Artist: Zao
Genre: Gospel, Rock, Christian Rock, Punk, Metal, Alternative
Title: Ill Innocence
Artist: Gallhammer
Genre: Rock, Black Metal, Punk, Metal, Death Metal, Alternative