Genre: Symphonic Rock
Symphonic Rock is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Appunti Di Viaggio
Artist: Morreale
Title: Cut The Tongue
Artist: Julius Project
Title: Histoires Sans Paroles (CD2)
Artist: Harmonium Symphonique
Genre: Rock, Folk Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Classical
Title: Тhе Sсrеаm Оf Nаturе
Artist: Lunar Clock
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Progressive Metal
Title: Robinson Crusoe
Title: Dynamite (Single)
Artist: Symfinity
Title: Flipside (Single)
Artist: Symfinity
Title: Halfway (Single)
Artist: Symfinity