Genre: Symphonic Rock
Symphonic Rock is a subgenre of Rock music and can be explained as a part of the Rock culture. Check the following albums and let the electric guitar sound to Rock your world.
Title: Mind Hatchling
Artist: Mythopoeic Mind
Title: Crossing The Line
Artist: Andrew Roussak
Title: MIND Vol. 2: Live
Artist: Isildurs Bane
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Punk Rock
Title: Sagan Om Den Irländska Älgen / Sagan Om Den Irlandska Algen
Artist: Isildurs Bane
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Punk Rock
Title: Past And Present
Artist: Kimmo Pörsti / Kimmo Porsti
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Punk, Punk Rock, Metal, Progressive Metal, Alternative