Blues music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.
Title: C-Wright & Friends (The Exit)
Artist: C. Wright
Genre: Blues
Title: Love Letters
Artist: Bain Wolfkind
Title: I'm Mad Again
Artist: John Lee Hooker
Title: Zydeco Swagg
Title: Imena
Artist: Romario
Title: Day Up
Artist: Scyene Oll
Title: Never
Artist: Storme
Title: Blango
Artist: Chris Taylor
Title: In Plain Sight
Artist: Zeeny Cobb
Title: Rag Mama
Artist: Los Bourbones
Title: Tomber Et Se Relever Encore...
Artist: Michel Thomassaint
Title: Melancholy (Deluxe)
Artist: Jay Felicite