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Genre: Blues


Blues music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.

Title: The River Revisited

Artist: Dom Cole

Genre: Blues

Title: Bless


Genre: Blues

Title: Soaring Soul

Artist: AudioZen

Genre: Blues

Title: Speed

Artist: Zyu Fk

Genre: Blues

Title: Unplagued

Artist: YILIYA

Genre: Blues

Title: Loudly

Artist: Asile

Genre: Blues

Title: Rain

Artist: Ryan Lock

Genre: Blues

Title: Above The Clouds

Artist: MoogLy

Genre: Blues

Title: Hustler

Artist: Jane Hallow

Genre: Blues

Title: Jam Sessions

Artist: Renato Genestra

Genre: Blues