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Genre: Blues


Blues music genre is one of the different kind of genres that cannot be combined with major categories. If you miss it or you know it but had never listened to it, now is your chance.

Title: I'm Mad

Artist: Willie Mabon

Genre: Blues

Title: Familiarity

Artist: Street Band

Genre: Blues

Title: Only One King

Artist: Pittyboy

Genre: Blues

Title: Soul

Artist: G Will Producer

Genre: Blues

Title: St. Lorenz

Artist: Umehea Lawrence Nduka

Genre: Blues

Title: Ta Raina!

Artist: Abdulextra

Genre: Blues

Title: Rocksd

Artist: Fabiano Figueira Santos

Genre: Blues

Title: Three Course Picnic

Artist: Dan Traxler

Genre: Blues

Title: Still Water

Artist: Charles Brown

Genre: Blues

Title: A Mother's Love

Artist: B. B. King

Genre: Blues