Title: Fenech - Soler
Artist: Fenech Soler
Genre: Electropop, Indie Pop
Title: Lies EP
Title: The Cult Of Romance
Title: Demons
Title: Diamond
Artist: 4minute
Genre: Electropop, Rock, Punk Rock, Dancefloor, Pop, Dance Pop, K-Pop
Title: HUH (Hit Your Heart)
Genre: Electropop, Dance Pop
Title: WHY
Title: Cat & The Eye
Artist: Van She
Genre: Electropop, Rock, Psychedelic
Title: Kelly
Title: Lonely
Artist: Medina
Genre: Electropop
Title: Velkommen Til Medina (Special Edition)
Title: Alligator Sky
Artist: Owl City
Genre: Electropop, Synth Pop